"Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, https://www.nctsn.org/resources/parent-caregiver-guide-to-helping-families-cope-with-the-coronavirus-disease-2019
Are you in a crisis?
Call or text 988 or text TALK to 741741
¿Estás en una crisis?
Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o envía un mensaje de texto con AYUDA al 741741

Skills Group
for Parents of
ESP Children
Do you want to learn how to best manage your child‘s difficult moments? Want to understand how to improve communication and relationships in your house? The LMCCC is offering parenting skills classes for parents of ESP children that teach proven methods of decreasing challenging behaviors while improving emotion regulation, communication, attention and relationships.
THE PARENT CIRCLE is a multimedia workshop that will teach you a range of skills targeted to help with parenting challenges, including school refusal. The Circle groups are co-led by our DBT team: Joan Chess, School Psychologist, Christine Danberg, LCSW, Alan Dienstag, Psy.D. and Katie Sawyer, Ph.D.
ESP Parent Circle Information
The ESP Parent Circle date is TBD.
Who: Parents of ESP children
When: TBD
Where: Community Counseling Center, 234 Stanley Ave, Mamaroneck
Cost: TBD
Contact: parentcircle@communitycounselingcenter.org