"Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)" from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, https://www.nctsn.org/resources/parent-caregiver-guide-to-helping-families-cope-with-the-coronavirus-disease-2019
To inspire children and families to engage and connect with one another in pursuit of emotional well-being, strong family relationships and the healing power of community.
LM Connects Goals
Curate and communicate important resources to families and students via the LMCCC website, newsletters, social media, poster campaigns and other outreach.
Strengthen Community Connection and Support Networks
Offer programs to parents and community members for educational and bonding opportunities.
Strengthen Student Emotional Health
Offer programs that build connections and skills to improve emotional health & wellness. Coordinate activities that bring students together around common interests and affinities.
Current Members
Jackie Emmet - Alliance Coordinator
Amy Pace - Alliance Coordinator
Maria Caballero
Christine Danberg
Dr. Mark Levy
Helene Fremder
Lissi Garcia
Keila Brigandi Reyes
Vin Minotti
Brian Suertegaray-Santana
PT Council
Stephanie Chaice
Stacey D’Arcy
Police Department Youth Officers
Frank Maresca - Village of Mamaroneck
Chris Jaeger - Village of Mamaroneck
Danielle Lent - Village of Larchmont
Amy LaRosa - Town of Mamaroneck
Community Members
Karen Regan
Denise Woodin
Lauren Perone